Artem Chekunov
Highly qualified IT expert, Python Developer/DevOps Engineer with more than 14 years in the industry, a passionate specialist in the field of automation, continuous delivery and cloud infrastructures.I adore my work and I always keep up my skills and research new technologies in order to deliver stable, fault-tolerate and reliable services.
Primary skills:
- Configuration Management (chef,ansible)
- Continuous Integration/Delivery (Jenkins,JenkinsPipelines)
- Service discovery(Consul)- Clouds (AWS)
- Containers (Docker)
- Monitoring(Prometheus,Grafana)
- Python
Vetting results
DevOps Engineer / Python Developer
Senior DevOps Engineer, Chartboost, 2021-present
As a Sr. DevOps Engineer, I am busy with:
- building and supporting core infrastructure
- developing infrastructure tools
- improving platform observability
- troubleshooting production services
- developing and improving legacy CI/CD pipelines
- developing reusable Terraform modules
- developing helm charts
- helping developers
- mentoring
- Kubernetes
Infrastructure as code:
- Tarraform
- Terragrunt
- Atlantis
- Python
- bash
- Jenkins
- Travis
- Spinnaker
- DataDog
- Pingdom
- PagerDuty
BigData DevOps Engineer, Liberty Global, 2018-2021
I develop and support Big Data cluster.
Technology stack:
- ansible
- consul
- mesos/marathon
- kafka
- hadoop
- elasticsearch
- carbon
- grafana
As a Python developer, I make:
- RESTful API's (with Django)
- System tools
- Prometheus exporters
- Ansible modules
Software Engineer/DevOps Engineer, Bright Computing, 2016-2018
I develop an advanced distributed package build system, which considers dependencies between hundreds of packages and thousands of versions, deals with different environments, processor architectures & multiple operating systems.
Technology stack:
language: Python
framework: Flask
database: MongoDB
Also, I develop a new infrastructure with:
- Docker
- Ansible
- Jenkins
- Consul
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- ELK stack.
Senior DevOps Engineer, PropellerAds, 2015-2016
Configuration Management: Chef, Ansible
Continuous Integration: TeamCity
Continuous Delivery: Registry:2(Distribution), RPM
Containers: Docker
Container Orchestration: Kubernetes(for internal usage)
Services: nginx, mysql(galera cluster), redis, etc., ...
- Python: System Tools
- Bash: System Tools
- Go: https://github.com/ArtemChekunov/dotviz-server
- Ruby: developing chef cookbooks
Senior System Developer, SprintHost, 2013-2015
Maintaining chef-server Supporting monitoring system: Zabbix
- BASH: System tools
- Python: implementation API for hosting services with Flask
- Ruby: developing cookbooks
System Administrator, Thumbtack Technology, 2012-2013
Support of the {users,developers,services}.
Scripts of the Deploy.
System of the Virtualization VMware ESXi. Work with AWS ec2, s3, etc.