Sergiu Baltic
Vetted by
Versatile and hard-working DevOps with strong experience with the cloud and in maintaining large-scale software systems.
Vetting results
AWS Certified Solutions Architect
- C: Linux kernel patches
- Python/Bash: Scripting
- GO: Modify K8s/Microservices
- Kotlin: Teamcity DSL
- CI: GitLab, Teamcity
- Automation: Ansible, Terraform
- VCS: GitFlow, GitLab, Github, Bitbucket
- AWS: EC2, A/E/NLB, Route53, EBS/EFS, VPC/VPN, S3, IAM, EKS, ElastiCache, Aurora/RDS, EBS/EFS, CloudFront
- Oracle Cloud: VM, OKE(K8s), RBAC, VPC/VPN, DB Systems, Filesystem (EFS)
- K8S: Ingress, nginx/contour/haproxy/alb, Flagger, Linkerd, Calico/Cillium, External Secrets Operator, Docker/ContainerD/CRI-O
- Storage: HW, RAID/LVM/iSCSI/NFS & almost all linux FS, Ceph
- Databases: MySQL/MariaDB/Percona, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, Redis/KeyDB, Elasticsearch
- Message Queue: RabbitMQ, Kafka
- Monitoring: Zabbix, Grafana, Prometheus, Elastic beats, Fluentd, APM
Work Experience
DevOps, Ingoodco, 2019-present
- Support Rancher/K8s infrastructure
- Support AWS infrastructure
- Support On Premise KVM based infrastructure
- Network/EC2/On Premise configuration/Security
- Support Teamcity infrastructure
- Manage Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- Move from Rancher v1 -> Rancher v2
- For cost proporses move some infrastructure to On Promise
- Create On Premise KVM infrastructure (Proxmox)
- Build hybrid cross-cloud/on-premise infrastructure
- Migrate production to Oracle Cloud
- Migrate everything from on-premise to Oracle Cloud
- Grow other Engineers to spread responsibility and knowledge
- Upgrade from 3 delivery per week to 1-2 delivery per day
K8s/DevOps Team, Starlight, 2018-2020
- Make our own On Premise K8s
- Implement/Support deploy K8s on ansible for multiple clusters
- Implement/Support storage drivers (flex vol for Ceph/Local storage)
- Trouble shoot linux problems in our setup
- Manage 4 senior engineers with different specialization (Dev, DBA, Ops)
- Create CI for our deploy code
- Implemented stable (for our needs) rbd driver in K8s
- Write migration from our code to CSI
- Move everything to K8s that can be moved
- Integrated LB based on Keepalived (will be replaced)
- Route ClusterIP traffic to local endpoints if avaliable
- ProxyLess HA of K8s API
- Use cri-o instead of docker
Linux Admin, 6six, 2015-2018
- Linux infrastructure
- NFS Servers/VMware Storage
- Zabbix infrastructure Monitoring
- MySQL administrator
- Linux workstations AD integration
- Monitoring shine like never before
- Improved performance on cheap NFS server up to 10x just by RAM cache
- Our linux infrastructure not painful anymore
Recommendation from a Client:" Timofey is an exceptional DevOps with a deep understanding of the AWS. He consistently delivered high-quality work and played a key role in developing robust and secure infrastructure. Cloud based or on prem infrastructure, he can manage it and become a valuable asset to any engineering team."
Ethan T
IT Project Manager